Tuesday, November 2, 2010

TJ and legal scholarship

this is the final version of prof david yamada's interesting article on TJ and the practice of legal scholarship:

Monday, November 1, 2010

link to TJ on facebook

Hi everyone,

Here is a link to the Therapeutic Jurisprudence facebook page. There are many people on facebook discussing TJ issues.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Link to NPR talk about TJ with Ida and David

Here is the link to the NPR, State of Affairs broadcast about therapeutic jurisprudence. You may also listen to the podcast below:

Article about Legal scholarship and TJ

Here is a link to an article that talks about how writing about TJ and training lawyers in a scholar-practioner model can be useful for the legal community. Let me know your thoughts. Once you open the link you will see a click to download the article button.



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Hi everyone,

Thanks to Dean Chen for setting this blog up!! The purpose of this blog is to follow-up on David Wexlers visit and to generate some interest in the topic of Therapeutic Jurisprudence in the Louisville legal community. Here is a link to the International Network of Therapeutic Jurisprudence. It involves lawyers, judges and mental health professionals from all over the world. http://www.law.arizona.edu/depts/upr-intj/. Check it out.

I am wondering what peoples' opinions are in regards to whether they think that training lawyers in the TJ theory would contribute to improved lawyering and how including psychological information in the coursework of law students may also lead to improved outcomes for lawyers?

Ida Dickie, PhD
Director of Forensic Psychology
Spalding University.